
The model accelerates accountability in selection process. With ease IT professionals fit into global peg of opportunity that makes major selling proposition for Directions in worldwide IT market. Simultaneously it unleashes silent labour arbitrage for an MNC.

Air Flow Model

The basic model on which Directions HR Consulting works is quite simple; it is analogues to air-pressure-dynamics and particularly conceptualised in an 'Air-Flow model’. In the adjacent ‘Air-Flow model’ sketched, air corresponds to skills while air flow corresponds to skill’s mobility. Every effort of Directions is targeted towards efficiently mobilising IT skills. The low pressure belt represents skill paucity with IT firms. The work for Directions is steering skills useful at resource planning and developmental levels. The systematic efforts are put into fitting right professionals for job profile designed at client end. At very small level such a process aids in maintaining skill-balance across the global markets, just as energy balance is maintained by flow of air within different pressure areas..
In the model, high pressure belt represents storehouse of skills available in the form of personalised IT professional’s database. The role of vortex is quite important in airflow so is here. In case of manpower consulting firms like Directions, role of vortex is taken-up by database administrator and communication controllers. The faster the vacancies are communicated to the eligible candidates, more is the value addition to the client. Directions works on dynamicity principals as depicted in ‘Air-flow model’ for better results.

Benefits Derived

In general, the working model at Directions helps clients and professionals to get multiple benefits. The benefits are such that they increase the proficiency of the clientele processes, save their time, help confide client on various parameters and aids Directions in becoming a preferred and reliable choice for people. On the other hand because systematic approach and endurable relationship, Directions gets an edge over others consulting firms. It marks long journey ahead. Directions makes the best absorbed by the best!

In particular, more helpful for client is the freedom from headache and cost in entire selection and recruitment process. Right from advertisement of vacancies to CV verification followed by complex Elimination rounds onus now lies on Directions.Getting aligned skilled professional that reduces attrition fear and understanding the technical requirement by mapping technical requirement to the best is what Directions offers precisely.

Whereas for professionals, Directions takes interest in his/her aspirations, understands his psychological & physical inhibitions and minds his growth & profile of Company. It also advising on carrier path.

What Directions benefits? Directions gets fees and experiences that rows Company’s foot deep into soil. Fees structure is very transparent; essentially fees come from contract with Clients (Partner Companies) and sometimes from candidate for the add-on services provided.
