
This section comprises papers and articles useful for professionals, employers, entrepreneurs, managers, HR consultants and students. New concepts, ideas and methodologies that enrich knowledge and enhance solutions are tools for people to improve the processes they adopt.

Directions Manpower Consulting encourages building a platform for delivering new ideas that make significant difference. Some of the articles listed here are showcase of ideas those emerged out of silent wedding between HR theory and HR practice. Such ideas undoubtedly give impetus to thinking in Human Resource Management area..

E article

Why AI Lacks the Human Touch Needed in Startup Hiring!

In the age of automation, artificial intelligence (AI) has infiltrated every corner of the business world, and recruitment is no exception. From resume screening to candidate sourcing, AI promises To enhance efficiency in the hiring process, reducing time and resource consumption. Still, can AI effectively emulate the human touch in talent acquisition, especially for the unique needs of startups? The answer is a resounding no..

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Why Companies Choose One Recruiting Agency Over Another: The DirectionsHR Example!

The recruiting landscape is populated with many agencies, each promising to deliver top talent. Yet, amidst this sea of sameness, some agencies consistently outperform others. Why? The answer lies in factors differentiating exceptional agencies from the rest.

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